Thursday, June 29

never lackaday

yen. in a happy happy tone. trumpets workshopmate and sweet charity castmate:
tumataba ka nga // you are getting fat

mang boyet. in a sad curious tone. gonzaga hall's third floor school aid and the best ever:
o wala ka dun a // you weren't there were you

two comments that help prove this day is good.
today, between my 9am philosophy class
[where my understanding of gabriel marcel's introduction was tested to poor results]
and my 6pm law on taxation class
[where everyone in class had to stand when asked to recite]
i visited intramuros,
specifically for the national commission on culture and the arts. alone. with no idea where it really is
and like what my first philo reading by pico iyer would tell me,
it was more of the travelling and not the destination and the unfamiliarity of manila that suddenly, thanks to today, is more familiar to me.

left my ID in the cab. had 20 ID pics by the time i got back to school.
i find it interesting that a few days ago i was laughing at the thought of pao losing his ID and now i have to secure an affidavit of loss as well. ohwell.
the picture!picture! store along taft avenue i also find interesting. i needed an ID pic for my law class so i figured might as well walk 20 blocks along taft avenue and find a decent picture place. only one photographer and one lady was manning the entire store. real hip, not that classy but considering the price, the air conditioning and the quick service- really really good. i can't help but use pom104 stuff to give a store evaluation.

yes 20 blocks. i figured since i had lots of time to kill, i might as well go around intramuros until manila city hall, where i could find the train station according to a couple of guards i asked. i tried to count the number of air conditioning units in city hall on that wall facing sm manila. a lot, man- averaged 2 per window. how expensive is that? won't centralizing it be cheaper? i didn't know.

i didn't know where to find the train station either. i couldn't find anyone trustworthy enough to ask. one holdup incident makes you more wary of unfamiliar places. so i walked across taft avenue until i reached PNU, a few other universities, the picture!picture store and the UN Avenue train station. on board, i realized the central terminal station to the left of manila city hall was in fact way way nearer than the UN Avenue train station.

but there's no picture!picture to the left of manila city hall.
a regretful day never exists.
lisnin to tears, scars, lies - mista
sortof readin gabriel marcel on wikipedia
feelin kinda blessed and thankful.

Wednesday, June 28

Dare you go

theater and life and daring
is not about worrying how bad you look

maybe about how good you feel

but really, about daring to go. whatever that means
[stolen from liza, thanks dear]

be it opman or marketing papers or sleepless nights.
lisnin to So MuchThings To Say - Lauryn Hill
sortof readin Marcel on philosophy
feelin kinda unusually happy. i am usually happy but now's of a different sort

Tuesday, June 27

oh come on

right now i'm not so happy about having a good number of affiliations,
i tend to meet more jerks in the process.

and a lot more real good wonderful people as well.
but a jerk every now and then
is a jerk every now and then
who jerks every now and then.

inhale. exhale. repeat thrice
it is so cool to see good friends do seemingly little things for you.
like help you promote

thanks you guys.
and oh
lisnin to One More Chance - Michael Jackson
sortof readin opman homework
feelin kinda patient

Sunday, June 25

dread Threading?

don't! i had fun.
even if i was profusely sweating and teary-eyed.
though i don't think my upper lip did.

elvie and rovi of basement were nice.
and yes, the comfort room was still nice.
a lot less hassle than shaving.
and probably cheaper in the long run
lisnin to Walken III - Stephen Lynch
sortof readin the DAGMAR model (Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results) of advertising for mkt101
feelin kinda funny

if you were a booger, i'd pick you first

and that is tricia's cutest pick-up line.
shared at one of the prettiest parties i've been to.
congratulations charmie!

like i've written, we've got lots of work to do.
nothing beats party dancing, not even party alcohol

not a bad first week for a good semester.
let's keep it that way, shall we?
better yet, do better.
lisnin to Henry's Got Flat Feet - Hank Ballard
sortof readin the law on special contracts and negotiable instruments. i need to catch up quick
feelin kinda festive

Wednesday, June 21

told you, so

what do you do when you suddenly realize you've not enough cash for this cab you are in?
you smile.

and thank God for lovely receptionists.

my marketing class seems exciting.
my operations management class seems helpful.
my law on taxation and law on special contracts classes i'll find out about tomorrow and on saturday.
my philosophy class...
...three words: wonder, passion, rigor.

just three words and i already am amazed.

stay excited and amazed and smiling.
yes, sir lawrence, rigor is the challenge
lisnin to Mas Que Nada - Sergio Mendez. listen to Connie Bailey
sortof readin Linking Customers to Strategy
feelin kinda sleepy. good kind of sleepy

Sunday, June 18

enough Time

interesting how quick one can feel good then bad then good again.
it is almost forbidden, unreal.

i did not laugh today. giggled, yes. but no laugh trip of any sort.
but i needed today.

from the thirteen-peso brazo de mercedes to finding my core voice, using my corner when singing with sir les to soy milk and nachos to 45-minute naps every other hour.

my eyesight isn't getting any better and thanks not only to this, everything's a blur. literally and whatnot. stupid questions like 'would i rather greet someone i don't know or snub someone i know?' or 'don't you think you're spreading yourself too thin, karl?' suddenly aren't so stupid.

noel once shared: things are happening real fast today all you can do is shoot, shoot and shoot.
no more time to get ready and aim.

but i think that is why i needed today.
i get to get ready and aim.
and i think that is why i don't believe in 'no more time'

here's to a swell semester: have fun.
lisnin to Curbside Prophet - Jason Mraz. and i'm waiting for my rocket to come
sortof readin team leadership's mushroom framework
feelin kinda all set and good to go

Thursday, June 15

i love you a latte

especially on saturday, july 1
09157882132 for globe subscribers.

see you!

lisnin to Stay In My Corner - The Dells
sortof readin tons of correspondence and my katipunan contribution
feelin kinda hot. in the word's every sense

Wednesday, June 14

used to Hate

I used to hate snickers, they're now the second cheapest of my most favorite chocolate bars that i depend on when i feel low or high or both.
I used to hate m&m's with peanuts, i still do.

I used to hate the thought of being in sanggunian, i am now proud of it.
I used to hate the thought of being misquoted, i still do.

I used to hate emptiness, the fountainhead tells me i shouldn't.
I used to hate empty speeches, i still do.

I used to hate the idea of global warming as a problem, al gore convinced me it really is.
I used to hate the idea of the death penalty as a solution, i still do.

I used to hate haters, apparently they're not always so hateful.
I used to hate hate, i just convinced myself i still do.

what do you get when you fall....

Monday, June 12

the spell is on our house

beautiful day.

but it feels like celebrating your birthday on feb28 when you were really born on feb29.
worse, it feels like celebrating your birthday when in fact you were never born at all

i don't trust photobucket that much so i'll place these here as well:

thank goodness for considerate people.
lisnin to Into the Woods
sortof readin globalization: an issue for ethics by manny dy. lovely.
feelin kinda blessed.

Sunday, June 11

sun day High

it is the gk southern leyte build on studio23's game plan right now.
gives you a different sort of high.

real different from that negative high you get when your starting to have a really bad habit.
for two days now
i wake up at the exact same time an appointment, that i myself set, is set to start.
horrible horrible.

grow up, karl. sheesh
lisnin to gameplan
sortof readin gmail conversations
feelin kinda well-slept

Thursday, June 8

keep Walking

we kept on walking.
12 of us from the same high school

and i sure miss them.
3 of them were here.
thanks no, py, mandz.
it's all good.

also today, right after i finish friedman's the world is flat that reminds everyone to break down certain walls, homer builds a wall in the middle of springfield. only to realize they're all better off without it.

everyone should read it. then walk the talk.
lisnin to Tape You - N.E.R.D
sortof readin my summary slash guide of The World Is Flat
feelin kinda rested

ramblings of an insecure mind

i was contemplating on my funny love life when all of a sudden the living asia channel flashes

if love finds you worthy, it will find your course.
crap, thanks a lot.

there's a swiss navy billboard outside the condo and bright white light shines on it at night. i know for a fact that it's a black tarp but thanks to the white light it doesn't look black at all. so if doesn't look black is it still black? especially because color is defined by what our eyes see.

it still is black because i know that when there is no light it does look black so the tarp is in fact a black tarp. sadly, that assurance isn't always there everytime i doubt certain stuff.

like when they tell you just wait after college and you'll see the real world
what the fuck.
so i'm living an illusion all this time? that my idealist notions now won't hold out there because apparently out there is so different from in here? so what the fuck am i doing in here then? is this tarp really a black tarp?

no real answers yet but i'll share it when i do. for now allow me to feel insecure for a moment.
thank you
lisnin to the living asia in laoag
sortof readin questions for this saturday's focus group discussion with client
feelin kinda bla

Tuesday, June 6

yes, chacha requires timing

this nation loves to dance to different beats.

solita monsod shares this conclusion in her inquirer editorial:

The bottom line, therefore is: If, so far, one cannot categorically say that a parliamentary government is going to improve the economy either directly (through better policy) or indirectly (through reduction in corruption), and one is pretty sure that it will result in greater spending, then the indecent haste to adopt it is uncalled for.

good point. indecent haste it was. yes, was.
because The Manila Times reports that

Arroyo gives up on Cha-cha plan for 2006

really now. i still would love to dance.
i bet this nation does too.
i love n.e.r.d's reminder that yes, she wants to move

which dance? now that's the real question.

lisnin to Get Your Freak On - Missy Elliot
sortof readin WestLaw and LRN. neat business models
feelin kinda musical.

and don't forget

Sunday, June 4

anyway Sunday

kristel shared a poem by mother teresa. a beautiful reminder of what we ought to do

people are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
forgive them anyway.
if you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
be kind anyway.
if you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true friends;
succeed anyway.
what you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
build anyway.
if you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
be happy anyway.
the good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
do good anyway.
give the world your best anyway.
you see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
it was never between you and them anyway.

thank God! for Sundays.

lisnin to Stay With You - John Legend
sortof readin The World Is Flat. getting there
feelin kinda inspired.

thank You for the music

enough said.

Saturday, June 3

i'm potent

call it ego-boosting or pride
but it's a good feeling to realize you actually have a good amount of control over one life.

oftentimes, it happens when i wish i could control someone else's life.
when you realize you hardly could, you appreciate that good amount of control you have over yours. it makes everything you do look prettier, thanks to this real pretty mindset.

attended my first mass in gesu, that church in the ateneo that you just want to look up to, literally, inside and out. i was by myself and it was all good.

there was a moment when i was wondering why i was there.
enough questioning for now, i told myself. life's an exam but i'm not my teacher.
i'm the student and let's just say i'm happy with the score. so far.

so far indeed.
lisnin to SATC Episode 19
the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. and if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.
so fucking true and i'm crying over this series' last two episodes. how very masculine
sortof readin In Cold Blood
feelin kinda mellow.