Doubt's certainty
laura was right, you do end up sympathizing with everyone on stage after the show.
but more than that i think you end up sympathizing with every one of us.
now really, karl.
really and that makes it a production both happy and sad at the same time.
that doubt [both Doubt the play and doubt] is good or bad is not the point.
the fact that it is certain and how you go about dealing with it is i think the point.
i seriously think you consider watching it.

yes, just 500 pesos.
then tell me what you think. 'cause it totally makes you
lisnin to See I'm Smiling from the Last 5 Years, thanks ren.
sortof readin the last few chapters of The World Is Flat.
feelin kinda optimistic. mandy noel and py of the barkada are here in manila and we're a-havin fun. plus i'm a-watchin the full season six of sex and the city. bliss! thanks ging
a postscript:
just two thoughts i thought of today that i don't want to forget
what you're doing is right but never forget to link it to the greater task it is a part of
the better question better be "what have you not done?"