one idea why i'd rather be an economist than an accountant.
opportunity cost.
you take good note of implicit costs, not just when money is involved.
time. energy. business opportunity. reading opportunity. rest. stage opportunity. pleasure. energy. self. what you should've woud've could've. blog. time.
but people are accountants sometimes. they forget. we forget. once we do, we are like flies, beautifully illustrated by
steve's poem
i hate flies that buzz and bother you
which is to say i hate all flies
especially those that prey on flesh
which is to say all of them
but moreso those who delude themselves
into the belief that they are more
than flies, and those -
those, i would love to crush
with a flyswat
but of course you don't say that to them. they might fall into the belief that they are deluding themselves, which can be difficult to erase. and remember that people aren't always flies. plus, hate is too strong a word. well, not really but yeah
now the idea, opportunity cost, helps me avoid regrets. always, opportunity cost [things i'll get if i didn't do this] equals present benefits [things i get for doing this]. and that is why, i think, economists always say "on the other hand...", they hardly are straightforward. at the end of day, and [almost always] also throughout the day, i'm happy.
happy i saw proof last night. good play. good film.
happy i auditioned for koine's subtext. so layered. a tough challenge, can be mushy
happy i am cleaning my bathroom. so layered. a tough challenge. no maid for today
happy i am about to eat dinner even if it's close to midnight.
happy i am "wasting" time pressing these keys.
happy i have calculus tomorrow. then theology. then law.
happy eco102 is done. loved the subject. disliked the teacher
happy for lui and aj.
wear your memories you guys

happy i'm not alone disliking certain people. tihee
happy for Latin the language
lisnin to No One Is Alone - Into the Woods
sortof readin The Evolution of Cooperation. axelrod makes game theory seem real simple. which is scary 'cause it may seem too simple. just realized it tends to be a problem of mine, oversimplifying. which is almost always coupled with my mind tuning itself to certain things and certain things alone. scary but tolerable
feelin kinda happy