comedy is like Math
but maybe not calculus, or bataller calculus. [good matter, bad manner]
comedy is one plus one equals. it is precise. you add and add and add then shift. ms chari sure has a thing with teaching stuff. you're just like "oh my God, yeah" all the time. seriously
our first costume run ever just finished. and there was no sermon in the end. although we wouldn't mind if there was. but maybe it means we were a tad better than we were in previous rehearsals. maybe
i want to teach too. if only to show to future students that economics is really really interesting. not like belen economics. he really really knows what he's talking about but he gives you the impression that you shouldn't believe him. his i-can-catch-vegetable-matter-while-sipping-soup moustache doesn't help.
thank goodness for ateneo's evaluations process. i rarely criticize teachers. i believe that no matter how bad to me they are right now, it has a very reasonable explanation. but sometimes they just hit the wrong targets. [wrong targets?]
teachers are rarely appreciated but it takes a lot to teach. really teach.
and as a last thought: caffeine IS good for you. lisnin to ABC - Jackson 5
sortof readin Jesus and the Kingdom of God. theology can be liberating
feelin kinda tired. for the second night in a row. but i'm happy. happy i'm not a girl and not have to worry about hair plots for costume runs. tihee. [sorry girls i'm just counting my blessings]
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