losing Wait
i am selfish because
i hate waiting for other people when i do not really
care if other people are waiting for me
punctuality isn't part of my system [read against early birds, ha on sidebar].
waiting isn't either
even if she's the girl of my dreams. no
especially if she's the girl of my dreams
so while i wait, i think of something to put me outside that state of waiting, replace that state of waiting with a state of something else.
my state of something else for this moment is this
how to start november right:
1 lose the urge to cut class simply because you can
2 lose the urge to not sleep simply because you fear waking up late
3 lose the urge to buy something you simply want unless a 14-day period has elapsed
4 lose the urge to point your finger at other people, literally
5 lose the urge to cram simply because you think you have no time
6 lose the urge to wake up simply because you have to
7 lose the urge to think of another urge to lose.
uhm, so i wait... lisnin to music from and inspired by the motion picture i am sam. long title, good cd
sortof readin economist backgrounders
feelin kinda down and heavy
i like what ur listening to! hehehe
November 02, 2005
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