Deep inside, we all want a little change every now and then.
We do get tired of the old stuff.
The music on the radio.
Our pictures on Friendster (even Friendster itself).
What we want for breakfast.
Even our hairstyles.
But sometimes, the old stuff die hard.
Others we simply can't let go.
Others we simply don't really care about.
But let's care about these for a minute.
Think about it:
When was the last time you felt good about your self?
Your crush finally saw you.
Your project got the highest score.
You finally cooked your pansit just right.
An easy question for most of us.
Now think about this:
When was the last time you felt good about your country?
But wait, do I even have to?
Well, you can sure live without feeling good about where you are.
But wouldn't your life be a bit better if you do?
So, when was the last time you felt good about your Philippines?
Not as easy a question for some of us.
Heck, it's a lot easier NOT to feel good for this country we're in.
We see it every day.
We even breathe it every day.
Every single wrong thing in this country.
Maybe this is why this bad old stuff dies so hard.
It's just really easy to NOT feel good.
Maybe we are all already tired of it.
Like old music, old Friendster pics, old breakfast meals, old hairstyles.
And though it's not as easy to change...
...maybe if we'd check up on each other every now and then
then finally we'd be getting what we all want.
After all, we are all in the same one Philippines anyway.
Our Philippines.
Our Philippines that deserves change.
Wait we are change.
I am Change.
In 2010, for example, we the young can reach more than half of the total vote.
56.6% to be exact!
Again, it's not as easy to change elections.
But if we be serious about checking up on each other--
say asking each other to register and vote
and nag each other every now and then
and actually be systematic about it all over the country
then why not?
After all, we all will be benefiting from its good results anyway.
And it's our Philippines.
And so yes, I am Change.

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