Sunday, March 4

Now What?

the worst thing about having so many stuff to talk about is that you end up not talking about anything. like seriously.

eventful now has a new meaning and this week is one of those record holders. you wonder if weeks can get too eventful and here they are happening right before you.

so to those of us who are happy and overwhelmed and indecisive because of the so many beautiful desires to choose from, let's stay happy 'cause they really are beautiful. so beautiful. and you reach a point in your life when you conclude that each living day, the goal is

to stay happy

and to bring as many people as you can to that state. that state where the saddest things, the most tear-worthy memories, the most depressing of moments, the i'd-rather-be-dead-than-deal-with-this-bullshit instances are all still stuff to be happy about, to smile for, to look forward to.

my simplest yet [at least tonight] most profound answer to now what

stay happy.
and always with the reminder that happiness isn't only for the good things


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