Monday, July 24

what a waste

the idea of wasting time was an idea my high school computer teacher would love to share. during class outings, the two of us would just talk 'til the wee, sometimes with one or two other people, wasting time. and wasting needn't be so bad a word.

maybe i say that 'cause i do it often. and in the course of wasting my time i came across a question not so easy to answer: that in a world where nothing's absolute, why do we tend to forget that probability is the rule?

convenience, yes, is a beautiful answer. irrationality, no. the first one easy to understand, like when i follow a certain route every time i take a cab for school--that route almost always works and there's no time figuring out other routes. the second one, not so easy, like when mar and kay and i ended up in podium today eating cake.

so what, karl?
well for me it's really sad that in admitting convenience and irrationality as possible answers we still react rather destructively to things that don't go our way--like when that route that almost always works suddenly gets jammed with traffic aggravating my tardiness. we of course are entitled to a reaction, it is our right. but why so destructively, why waste neurons on a signal that forces you to find the nearest sharpest knife. so much so that even mere messengers and agents get involved.

convenience is beautiful but it ain't always convenient. irrationality? even more so.
God bless Cyprus and Glenda's victims and the victims of convenience and irrationality.
lisnin to These Apples - Barenaked Ladies
sortof readin SONA. and ryan's "sauna of change"
feelin kinda well-rested but neck still hurts


Blogger bubblebathboi said...

u know karl... im so afraid for all the ateneo philosphy classes to enter your brain... then ur entries will be deeper and deeper... becoming more profound than ever... and i wont be able to take it... i won't be able to level with you any longer... gosh. ur such soo...

July 25, 2006

Blogger bubblebathboi said...

ur so profound karl... my gawd... you are such a...

July 25, 2006


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