Monday, March 21

superfAcial, or so i think

2 parts water
1 part apple cider vinegar
1/2 part bendonite clay

mix well until its pasty. put on face.
use jojoba oil as moisturizer afterwards.

its the same thing we get when we go to the spa, daw, only more convenient.

it's my 2nd week already for this treatment, results are not so bad.
well... not so good either...

only had 3 hours of sleep today, 3 more than my target, and like many other instances before, i blame sleeplessness for the face pimps.

anyway, i did not want to sleep today 'cause for the past 3 or so days i would wake up around noontime from sleeping at 3am. and like what i always do to remedy this, i would not sleep or take a nap or any of the sort without caffeine or apples. works most of the time but not ideal when you got classes the next day that even your most loved math teacher will not have the power to keep you awake for her class.

didn't sleep too cause i might end up waking up at around noontime again and that would spoil what i planned to do for the day. today i was tasked to get some moolah from this big-ass firm for my tito's soon-real-ass-kickin firm. this big-ass firm's ass is so big and firm you'd think they could afford any paycheck, but the crap is that they're giving us a hard time, as in constipated hard.
funny how things work with money...

my other tito arrived from dubai today to visit my grandfather. i was once asked if i could be any one person for a day who would it be and i answered the sultan of dubai... i'm still figuring out why i answered that but i sure wanna visit that place. my grandfather, tatay we all call him, was diagnosed with liver cancer last week at l.a for the nth medical opinion, he has 6-12months. one of the many reasons why we're gathering this week...

he's the kind of guy who does not want to die though, i mean not yet. his doctors are giving up but he wants to go back to the states after a few months of quality Filipino time with us. eventually, he'd be well... we all will be.


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