letting go of the Rizal library
i am not fully cleared just yet
but as i returned the last book
i borrowed from the library
before having my clearance signed
i realized
nooooo. sigh.
no more hassle-free borrowing of books from the library
no more paying of five pesos for every day overdue
no more sneaking out of class to check ebsco or euromonitor
no more building (or the old building i've been entering since 2004)
i pray the new Rizal library
would really be a "cathedral of learning"
but for now i say bye-bye.
off to another job interview
and just so i don't forget the current climate,
the huffingtonpost reminds me
of today's "blue-chip blues"

and how "longtime safe investments are now akin to penny stocks" (link here).
just the kind of news you want to read before an interview.
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