an introduction to life after college
okay, i refuse to call the world after college "the real world"
maybe because the ego in me refuses to believe that any of the goodness and crap i'm dealing with today are less "real" than what i will be forced to deal with soon.
this belief has led me to make this reminder years ago.

(shameless plug: not-so-recently updated site of creations is here)
but i acknowledge that it is a different world out there, free from the comforts i'm immensely having fun with today, my second senior year. and because it is my second, i get more time to smell the flowers.
one flower is the uaap, particularly uaap basketball.
being introduced to the uaap kind of basketball is like being introduced to life after college.
you will be beaten, be cheated on, be warned for wagging your tongue.
but you will fight, you will scream, you will curse the stoic kids in front of you.
for one good or bad reason or both. just take your pick.
point is, you picked a fight.
okay, enough analogies.
point is, catch the games.
you'd be surprised how the flower smells like.

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