Monday, March 10

diary products

there's a time in one's life
when one wonders

how much sorrow does one deserve to bear
how much hatred
how much pain

and for how long.

and it is true, what they say
that it is those who were once dear to you
who could hurt you the most.
all the other arrows stay ineffective and blah.

so while the world worries about matters far greater than their very selves,
i worry about mine.

and be called a gay, indifferent, egotistic freak for it.
all products of a diary you do not want to keep.
lisnin to Les Champs Elysees
sorta readin The Wisdom of Crowds, still. real good book.
feelin kinda teary..

on a much lighter note,
i was a production assistant yesterday!
for the first time.

thanks mai, sir morny for the invite. had a great time in bataan shooting this music video for a Christian group. staying behind the camera (make that fancy camera with fancy lights) is really really cool.

there's suddenly so many things to say.


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